Jul 29, 2018

Android Developer Experience Questions

1. Do you feel like a lot of your development time is spent debugging differences between platform releases and API levels? Are you annoyed by this? Does it feel wasteful? Does it get easier and less painful? As a beginner I felt like I spent too much time on this and it got really annoying. Made me wonder if iOS development is any smoother. I realized that any tutorials or stackoverflow material that's more than 6 months old might not be useful. Should people always be tagging their posts with their API level and I should always look for this? I've wasted hours trying to implement things (as simple as a Camera Activity) that are deprecated or incompatible with the system image / AVD I was using.

2. Why does opening Android Studio feel like a bomb going off every time? Multiple consoles and panes finish loading at different times, minimized and maximized at weird sizes, gradle. The more I learn to code the more I can't stand IDE's, and I'm happy that with React Native development I can at least use the 'emulator' command-line tool to create and run AVD's rather than open up AndroidStudio to do it. Command line only does what I tell it to do :)
What do you recommend as another part of the Android experience that I could abstract out of AndroidStudio and via command-line? Gradle? I found some tutorials on how to do the entire Android dev experience via commandline (shell script, compiling, .apk), anyone ever try or recommend it?

I've had many occasions where my app is working, I shutdown my computer, resume the next day and BAM its like the entire thing is destroyed, all sorts of misc problems either when I load AndroidStudio or try to run the app again. It is so frustrating.

3. Ive witnessed a few users on stackoverflow ranting about their discontent with how upgrading AndroidStudio or SDK's, API levels or various things can really wreck havoc on their apps and set them back. I see a lot of Android hate from android developers themselves, which I don't witness with other technologies I've worked with (other than Solidity for Ethereum development). One user on a google forum was named 'Deleted User' account so i was concerned maybe Google censored he/she because they wrote such a nice piece about why developing on Android sucks so bad.

Any feedback to this?

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